Mi amigo kris.



A mi amigo Kris le gusta jugar basquétbol.

A Kris le gusta pasar teimpo con amigos.

A Kris le gusta ir al cine con amigos.

A Kris le gusta comer sandía.

A Kris le gusta ejercer.

A Kris le disgusta ir al escuela.

A Kris le disgusta ir al trabajar.

A Kris distgusta para hacer la tarea.



Mis gustos.

Having to do the mis gustos project helped me alot on understanding pronouns and the diffrent conjugations for gustar. I also enjoyed doing the project, I liked dealing with pictures and trying to pronounce the various sentences. Since the project required us to write out the sentences, I believe that it helps students understand the right way, to form the sentences. I hope in the future we get to make more of these projects.